Call for Applications: Men, Masculinities, and Transformation

3rd Learning Fellowship on

“Men, Masculinities and Transformation”

Date: December 5th – 9th, 2022, Islamabad

Rozan was founded in 1998 by a group of volunteers with a mission of “A humane, self-aware, gender-just society”. Since its inception main focus of Rozan’s work remained on women and children.  There has been a strong understanding within the organization that men and boys have an important role to play in order to achieve the goal of gender equality. Rozan through its program “Humqadam” has conducted research, developed resource material, and organized training programs on issues of men, masculinities, and gender violence.

The Learning Fellowship aims at enhancing

  1. Understanding of masculinities issues
  2. Skills to critically analyze the root causes of different forms of injustice
  3. Sensitivities towards the vulnerable populations of society.

Specific Objectives of the Fellowship:

By the end of the one-week learning fellowship participants would be able to:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of masculinity as a social construct and its plurality.
  • Reflect on their own selves, the socialization processes they went through, and the making of different gender identities.
  • Enhance their understanding of the intersectionality of core concepts like masculinities, class gender violence, conflict, disability
  • Learn from experiences of what worked and what did not in engaging men and boys to promote gender equality.
  • Adapt tools and skills to translate learning of the fellowship into their work and personal lives.

Core contents of the course:

  • Understanding Masculinities
  • Masculinities, gender violence and patriarchy
  • Self, socialization, and masculinities
  • Violent conflicts and masculinities
  • Intersectionality and masculinities
  • Engaging men and boys for gender equality
  • Feminism


The course methodology will be participatory and experiential. Learning techniques such as group work, plenary discussions, role plays, case studies, discussions/talks with/by experts/activists & video screening will be used.

Resource Persons:

  • Dr. Ambreen Ahmad (Psychiatrist, Gender Trainer)
  • Ms. Kausar S. Khan (Visiting Faculty, Agha Khan University, Karachi)
  • Mr. Laxman Belbase, (Co-Director, Global Secretariat, MenEngage Alliance)
  • Dr. Akhlaq Ahmad (Chairperson, Department of Sociology, IIU)
  • Ms. Fatima Ehsan (Assistant Professor, Quaid-i- Azam University)
  • Mr. Raziq Faheem (Executive Director, CYAAD)
  • Mr. Babar Bashir (MD, Rozan, Men & Masculinities Trainer)
  • Ms. Fouzia Yasmin (Sr. Manager, Rozan, Gender Trainer)

Who Should Apply:

Applications are invited from mid-career professionals, Women, Men, and Trans-Persons having 5 years of experience in the field of Masculinities and Gender issues. Potential fellows can be human rights activists, gender trainers, academicians, researchers, media persons, and students enrolled in Ph.D. & M. Phil programs of social sciences disciplines.

Selection of the fellows is a competitive process. Selected fellows will be provided road travel, boarding and lodging and resource material to attend the course.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for initial interviews.

(Late applications will not be entertained)

For any queries, please contact the Course Coordinator at by 11th November 2022.

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