Digital Rights Foundation launches Digital 50.50 e-magazine

Digital Rights Foundation launched its newest initiative, a feminist e- magazine called the Digital 50.50, a monthly e-magazine that aims to create an open space for ideas, opinions, art, and discourse on a wide array of topics in the digital rights arena from an inter-sectional feminist lens. The idea behind launching Digital 50.50 is rooted in our organization’s goal to make online spaces safer and equal for women journalists and support them in providing reliable information to the public.

To ensure gender-sensitive reporting and amplify women’s voices, Digital 50.50 believes that the inclusion of women is a must in all roles – from content creators and editors to experts, sources, and subjects of stories and art. The theme for the first issue was ‘Impact of Covid-19 on women and girls in online and offline spaces’ and it covered a diverse range of features on how the coronavirus pandemic has transformed the work that journalists do, the rise in incels online, increasing cases of domestic abuse and the economic issues faced by women workers and laborers.

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