Expression of Interests: Capacity Strengthening and Organizational Development Opportunity for Grassroots Organizations (CSOs)


1. Introduction – Young Omang Pakistan: 

Young Omang Pakistan aims to be an effective voice for young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), with a firm belief in inclusivity and a human rights-based approach. Young Omang is a platform where narratives of equality, diversity, and inclusivity gain credibility and power. It was formed in 2016 and currently comprises seven member organizations that bring a combination of youth and experience, regional diversity and unique strengths, and extensive expertise in using evidence and voices from grassroots to inform and enrich policy advocacy.

Young Omang Pakistan has been working in the areas of SRHR, including Life Skills-Based Education (LSBE), Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS), early child marriages, menstrual health & hygiene and inclusion of Sexual and Gender Minorities (SGM). Chanan Development Association (CDA) serves as the host of Young Omang Pakistan and the other members include Aahung, Bargad, Blue Veins, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA), Indus Resource Centre (IRC) and Rahnuma – Family Planning Association of Pakistan (R-FPAP).

2. Our Values:

The Young Omang Pakistan, just in the way it has come together, has become an organic embodiment of the key values of transparency, inclusivity, collaboration, flexibility, Meaningful Youth Participation (MYP), Youth Adult Partnership (YAP), shared vision, accountability and human rights-based approach. 

3. Our Strategic Priorities:

Young Omang Pakistan recognizes that the grassroots CSOs, particularly those led by youth, women and SGM, lack the technical capacity and financial resources, therefore, the strategic priority of Young Omang Pakistan for the next three years is to strengthen a strong and inclusive civil society in Pakistan by empowering grassroots CSOs through capacity strengthening and organizational development support. 

4. What we are Looking For:

Young Omang Pakistan, through this call for Expression of Interest (EOI) is looking to identify and support the second cohort of 12 grassroots CSOs, particularly those led by youth, women and SGM, that are working on or are committed to work on SRHR issues, including LSBE, YFHS, early child marriages, menstrual health & hygiene and addressing stigma & discrimination, by offering them customized capacity strengthening and organizational development support and mentorship to strengthen their leadership and governance, designing and implementing evidence-based joint advocacy initiatives, building their liaison and connecting them with relevant stakeholders through networking opportunities and showcasing their ideas, resources and success through learning and advocacy forums.

5. Key Incentive for grassroots CSOs:

Selected grassroots CSOs will be linked to an established partner organization to provide customized capacity-strengthening support and mentorship and will be offered the following support. 

– Identification of organizational thematic, financial, and organizational development needs

– Customized capacity strengthening and organizational development workshops for the staff, board, and other members of the grassroots CSOs

– One-on-one mentorship opportunities with the established leaders in the sector

– Learning to develop evidence-based policy briefs

– Designing and implementing joint advocacy initiatives with the concerned partners

– Building liaisons and networking with relevant stakeholders

– Participation in learning and advocacy forums to showcase their work

– Support in strengthening their organizational policies, plans, and resource mobilization

– Opportunity to become an Associate Member of Young Omang Pakistan and contribute to the broader civil society movement 

6. Engagement Duration: January 2024 – December 2024

7. Selection Criteria:

Young Omang Pakistan encourages all youth, women, and SGM–led organizations and groups from Pakistan that fulfill the following criteria to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) by 31st December 2023.

– The organization/group that believes in the rights of youth, women, and SGM and are actively working with their respective constituencies for at least two years

– The organization/group that has at least 5 members (including at least 20% of women, girls and or SGM members) with a verifiable physical presence (address)

– The organization/group fully endorses the human rights principles and values of Young Omang Pakistan to strengthen inclusive civil society in Pakistan

– The organization/group is committed to working with Young Omang Pakistan to achieve its overall mission

– The organization/group or any of its members, officers or leaders is not engaged in any criminal activity, including money laundering or terror financing

– The organization/group or any of its members, officers or leaders is not affiliated with any religious and political group

– The preference will be given to registered organizations, however, unregistered groups that fulfil all the other criteria are also encouraged to apply. 

Young Omang Pakistan, at its sole discretion, will select 12 organizations, however, the number may increase or decrease or if deemed necessary, Young Omang Pakistan, reserves the rights to withdraw this call for EOI and or re-advertise. 

8. How to APPLY:

If you fulfill the required criteria and agree to the values of the Young Omang Pakistan, please visit the following link to fill out the application form by 31st December 2023.


9. Important Dates to Remember:

Please remember the following important dates 

Call for Expression of Interest Open: 11th – 31st December 2023

Interviews / Visit of Shortlisted Applicants: 15th – 20th January 2024 

Final List of Selected CSOs announced: 30th January 2024

10. For further information please contact: 

Ms. Hira Naz Awan

Program Manager

Chanan Development Association (CDA)

Email: (please mention EOI Young Omang in subject)

Ph: +92-423-6680179 (10 am – 4 pm) 



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