Active Help Organization (AHO) incorporated as a non-Profit voluntary Organization, working for community development & community mobilization through Human Rights, with special emphasis on marginalized people, youth and women at grassroots level in Province Punjab Pakistan.
The organization was founded in 2004 by a group of dedicated social workers. It is voluntary organization registered under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. Active Help Organization is a NGO and engaged in several assignments such as Human Rights , Women Development, Youth Development, Education, literacy and non-formal education and eliminate the child labor & Bonded Labor, Peace, Water and Sanitation, Primary Health Care, Nutrition, Harm Reduction and Drugs Control, TB, Hepatitis, STIs, HIV & AIDS and climate change etc. since 2004.
AHO is working on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1,2,3, 4,5 and SDG 10). We have initiated to engage young people, girls and marginalized community in our projects and campaigns related to the Sustainable Development Goals. All of our activities, programs and projects and in line with our priority SDGs areas.