Afzaal Memorial Thalassemia Foundation (AMTF) started with modest meager means in November 2003. By the grace of Almighty Allah and help from all walks of life AMTF formed an Afzaal Memorial Thalassemia Centre providing leading edge, advanced personalized thalassemia care. AMTF is become pioneer and proud to be Pakistan first having state of the art Thalassemia Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with all required sub-specialties clinics, medical & diagnostics services for the patients suffering from thalassemia.
At AMTF 100% patients are treated free of cost with the concept that “Our Patients are Our Guest”. We get referral from all over Pakistan; especially from the province of Sindh & Baluchistan. The project is dedicated to the parents of patients suffering with blood disorders and they are the actual driving force.