Baidarie is a non-government and non-profit civil society organization which was established in 1993 by a group of rural women of Union Council Roras, Tehsil District Sialkot. With a demonstrated-focus on community led and demand driven approach, the organization carries out its operations without having religious, lingual, political, social or any other discrimination.
The organization developed its first five yearly strategic plans in 1997. Its implementation increased organization’s operational outreach in Sialkot and Attock through well equipped offices and linkages with social activists, civil society groups and networks in Pakistan. During implementation of its next strategic plan for 2003-2008, it developed well defined field management strategies, internal control procedures; operationally co related MIS & FIS for ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in its operations. Trained Cadre of Trainers, Human rights violations reporting desk and responding system and Research, analysis, documentation and publication team also then came into existence. These arrangements enabled the organization to strive hard for fostering a culture of respect for the basic human rights, Contributing to the reduction in gender based discrimination and violence, increasing social harmony and access to vitally required services for improving quality of life of the vulnerable classes living in its operational areas and those suffering from emergency situations elsewhere.
The organization has General Body comprising of 32 women and 8 men as it members. It meets on annual basis. BoD comprising of nine members (5 men and 5 women) meets quarterly to provide continuous oversight for ensuring organization to pursue its fundamental strategic dimensions. CEO leads the organization’s operational management and is answerable to the BoD. Executive Director offers his professional advice to the BoD on strategic planning and technical matters relating organizational development and maintains liaison with external stakeholders like govt. and support agencies. Board Committees for HR & Finance and Audit also submit their reports directly to BoD. Finance & Accounts team is headed by GM Admin & Finance . Organizational accounts are audited by QCR listed auditors approved by BoD.
Baidarie visualizes “An equitable society that can provide for institutionalized guarantee of protection and promotion of all the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights to all the vulnerable social segments especially women, children and persons with physical limitations.”
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To end gender based discrimination and violent practices against women, children and Non Muslims
To protect and promote human rights, especially rights of women, children, persons with physical limitations and vulnerable communities.
To make efforts for maternal and new born healthcare improvement by increasing access for the communities, women/girls and children to preventive, diagnostic, curative and counseling services etc
To create efficient, transparent, credible and accountable governance structures and processes where women may actively participate in local opinion, policy and decision making etc.
Poverty Alleviation through knowledge building, capacity enhancement, skill enrichment/diversification, development of entrepreneurship/own account employment, linkages development, enhancing financial and social inclusions and rights based advocacy etc.
To promote quality education in formal and non formal disciplines and adult literacy.
To equip female and male youth with basic life skills and competencies for reasonably and responsibly assuming their roles in future.
To conduct Research & analysis on the issues confronting overall development of the people and address issues on the basis of the findings
To develop Baidarie as a viable and sustainable institution offering rights-based, holistic and integrated interventions to raise the standards of living of the vulnerable communities