Basera, like its meaning is a “home” for homeless and destitute children. It is run under the Basera Trust set up in year 2004 and is registered under the Trust Fund, 1882.
Basera is an initiative led by M.Fazil Uthmanzai, a compassionate and concerned citizen hailing from Swabi KP. He was deeply moved by the disturbing numbers and plight of street children, often orphans with ill-equipped relatives for child care, children with either one or both parents dead and relatives not willing or able to take care of them. He decided to dedicate his life and energies to give back such children their lost childhood by ensuring a caring environment for the ones he saw around him or were brought to his notice, and to arrange for their education, health and recreation so that they could achieve their fullest potential in order to become useful members of the society.
Initially, Basera set out to provide education to street children in Islamabad who were engaged in collecting garbage and other hazardous activities. Gradually it became a residential institution involved in full time care of the street children and other needy children from other areas.
To bring hope and a bright future to a much larger number of orphaned, poor and neglected children from amongst the increasing number of the same in our country.
To reach out to the underprivileged, unfortunate and vulnerable children of the society: provide them with shelter, protection, education and life skills to reintegrate them into the society and make them useful, self reliant and respectable citizens of the country.
To provide Food, Security, look after, shelter and Quality Education to poor, needy and orphan Children.