Building Advanced Society through Integrated Community Development Foundation commonly recognized with its acronym BASIC is not for profit organization, is working in Sindh province for the socio economic development of deprived communities living in desolate conditions of life. The idea of the establishment of BASIC cropped up after visualizing the deteriorating condition of human life in the context of its development and availability of basic amenities of life. The province of Sindh specially its rural population, which is the target area of BASIC DF is marred by the unavailability of the basic needs of life, has put its population is marginalized conditions.
The dearth of quality education, basic health facilities, infra-structural needs, pure drinking water, awareness of basic and inalienable rights, need for women emancipation and rights has put the life of common man miserable circumstances. A group of young university graduates having full acquaintance with the conditions has decided to establish BASIC as a core organization of rural areas of Sindh to address their genuine issues. They matured their dream with the establishment of BASICS in 2008