About Organization
  • Established in: 2001
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Economic Empowerment
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Peshawar
  • House 456, Usman Lane. Afzal Abad, Old Bara Road, University Town, Peshawar
  • Phone: 0915852210
  • Email: info@bestpak.org

BEST-Pak, is a Non-profit, Non-governmental, Non-political, Non-sectarian, Relief & Development oriented organization, registered with Directorate of Social Welfare, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control)Ordinance,1961 (XLVI of 1961) as well as with Ministry of State Affairs and Frontier Regions (SAFRON), Islamabad, Pakistan. BEST-Pak is also certified by the Pakistan Center of Philanthropy.

BEST-Pak works with a mission in view to develop the society by creating opportunities for Basic Education and Employable skills. The last decade has been very much critical for Pakistan in general and KPK in particular because of disasters either man made or natural (earth quake 2005, flood 2008 and 2010, and military operation in FATA). In these circumstances, BEST-Pak has worked as a real humanitarian organization by supporting the vulnerable individuals through emergency response, early recovery, and relief and rehabilitation activities.

BEST-Pak has been working as an implementing partner of different national and international organizations like WFP, FAO, UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF, UNOCHA, UNODC, SVA, Mobilink, NEF, FDA and AUQAF in different sectors like education, WASH, health, community services, community physical infrastructure development, Livelihood, Relief & rehabilitation / reconstruction in response to Refugees case, 2005 earth quack, 2008 flood, IDPs, 2010-2011 Flood, IDPs and 2012-2015 IDPs and returnees.


Creation of peaceful and developed civil society where developed Human resources and economic opportunities are available in enabling environment


“To contribute to poverty alleviation through provision of basic education, employable skill training and micro / small enterprise development leading to income generation and employment opportunities in a sustainable way”.


The operations of BEST-Pak are based upon and guided by certain organizational objectives that provide, on one hand, the larger framework referring to the overall socio-economic development activities in the country and ultimately contributing to the Millennium Development Goals and supplementing national & International efforts in this regard, and on the other hand, it strives to promote the culture of peace and resolve conflicts which has halted development. The main objectives are:

1.    To provide the means for people (male/female) to obtain Basic Education (formal and non- formal)

2.    To provide the means for people (male, female) to acquire a vocational technical or other skills.

3.    To combat child labor through Education and Employable Skill Training.

4.    To mobilize community for participation and sustainable development.

5.    To provide legal assistance and legal awareness in affected communities.

6.    To support rehabilitation and reintegration of drug addicts.

7.    To create general awareness regarding environmental protection.

8.    To facilitate basic coaching is different events of sports.

9.    To engage in any other developmental, livelihood and capacity building activities which are conducive to the uplift of the poorest and neglected sectors of the society.

10.  To promote Nonviolence and peace within the region.

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