About Organization
  • Established in: 1967
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Health, Women
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Rawalpindi
  • NE-2D/1 Tipu Road, Rawalpindi (Opposite Rawalpindi Medical College)
  • Phone: 0515962103
  • Email: fbehbud@isb.comsats.net.pk

Behbud Association Pakistan is volunteer run, non-profit NGO, providing socio-economic and development programs to help alleviate poverty in marginalized communities of Pakistan.  Behbud, Rawalpindi and it’s fundraising arm, Behbud Association, USA Inc. empower women by providing vocational training to help them become self-sufficient, respected breadwinners.  The children growing up in the urban slums of Rawalpindi and Islamabad get an opportunity to go to school at the ‘home schools’ run by Behbud. Healthcare for those who cannot afford to receive basic medical needs is provided to anyone who comes to the Behbud center.

The work began with the rehabilitation of the 1965 war victims, refugees, the destitute and disabled, in conjunction with a small industrial home and dispensary. Within the first seven years, Behbud Rawalpindi evolved into a national, multi-functional, non-profit, non-political organization with the objective of working for the socio-economic empowerment of underprivileged people in the major cities of Pakistan.
In it’s initial years of struggle, Behbud carried on its various projects in huts, hired rooms and garages because it believed in maximum cost-benefit ratio. The Head Office later expanded from Rawalpindi/Islamabad to the other major cities.

Behbud stands for ‘poverty alleviation’ for the betterment of the life of the underprivileged with its programmes being geared towards such objectives.

Behbud catalyses lasting change, creating an ecosystem in which the poor have the chance to seize control of their own lives. We do this with a holistic development approach geared toward inclusion, using tools like education, healthcare, legal advocacy, community empowerment, social enterprises for women’s economic self-sufficiency and empowerment. The achievements and successes of Behbud can be directly attributed to the hard work and dedication of it’s two generations of volunteers and it’s founder’s passionate commitment to the human welfare of Pakistan’s most underprivileged communities and women.

Behbud is a pioneer of Pakistan’s NGOs and has enjoyed it’s long almost 50 year history alongside it’s reputation as a partner in working towards poverty alleviation and community development through it’s sustained efforts.

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