About Organization
  • Established in: 1989
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Rajanpur
  • Kalla Noor Town Band Road Rajan Pur District Rajan Pur (Pakitan)
  • Phone: 03026443091
  • Email: info@communityaidpk.org

Community Aid (CA) was established in 1989 by the local farmers’ community & notables for the uplift of the deprived and marginalized segments of the society through enhancing level of awareness about their rights to pave way for better empowerment and participation in decision making and enable them to raise their voices for their rights. The efforts will cover the field of economic empowerment, political sensitization, better social bonding, health, education, agriculture, environment, livelihood, disaster management, child rights and women skills development.

Community Aid has a pool of professional staff, well committed member and volunteer who are trained in financial management, project planning and implementation. CA has successfully completed local level initiatives in target communities during emergencies and disasters to address the wide range of issues pertaining to the poor segments of society.


Create awareness and develop local networks for democratic and peaceful society, where people have equal rights and opportunities to lead their lives with honor and self-respect.


Streamline efforts to empower communities through building their capacities for achieving goals of just and participatory development by mobilizing local and external resources with a special emphasis on women and children


The main objectives of the CA are:

Enable marginalized segments of society to acquire great access to knowledge and awareness about their rights;
To educate peoples in social mobilization and bring behavior and attitudinal change who are socially responsive towards service delivery of public institutions for deprived communities;
Building capacity of local CSOs and enable them to play their role for betterment of society;
Ensure participation of women & youth in the political and democratic process;
Protection and conservation of environment, eco-system, bio-diversity and natural habitat of wildlife of region;
Women protection and empowerment;
To enable sustainable interventions for rights and protection of children;
To play proactive role in Disaster management & emergency relief services;

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