About Organization
  • Established in: 2005
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Disaster, Health, Women, Economic Empowerment, Disability
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Research, Service Delivery, Capacity Building
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Jacobabad
  • Near TCF School, Bismillah Town Jacobabad Sindh 79000.
  • Phone: 0722690142
  • Email: info@cdfsindh.org.pk


Community Development Foundation was formed and registered in 2005 it was registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Act of 1961. CDF is one of the few people-centered organizations that grew within the local community of North Sindh. Because we were ‘born and raised’ from within the communities we serve, we take extra care to protect our accountability to our beneficiaries and the trust and confidence of local communities towards CDF while bringing the change we need to achieve a just and humane society. Started as a small community organization providing vocational training and placement services to youth in Jacobabad district, CDF has grown increasingly in scope and size to be at forefront of community development work in North Sindh.

CDF Strategy:

CDF works on social mobilization, including a campaign against social violation and advocacy; Advocacy on issues; Legal aid, skills development trainings & relief and humanitarian aid including rehabilitation of Physical infrastructure as well as restoration of livelihood of affected population. As primary constituency of the organization is concerned, this is based upon male and female people and engagement of youth at all level.

CDF focuses on transferring management skills to beneficiary communities and has won the confidence of large number of stakeholders living in the target area by applying a participatory approach.

CDF Vision: To build a society free of violence, prejudice and discrimination where everyone has the right to fundamental rights and every one has access to basic facilities to fulfill humanitarian needs like education, health, social justice and equality.

CDF Mission: CDF’s mission is to be a non-profit organization that facilitates the on-going development process across the country while offering its services to develop capacity of the people especially youth, civil society organizations, promote human rights and gender equality, ensure economic sustainability of vulnerable groups and mitigate insecurities through awareness rising and pave way for the citizens  to live peacefully.


  • Positive changes are brought in the unjust social, economic and political systems and cultural attitude for women, children, Old age & minorities.
  • Peace, tolerance, justice and equality are promoted in the society.
  • Capabilities are developed of rural community, civil society organization, and various stakeholders to work effectively and efficiently to promote equality & justice in the society.
  • Response to emergency relief in natural and man-made calamities and disasters.
  • To work for the social-economic uplift of the marginalized communities with special focus on Women, Old age, Minorities, Persons with special needs and Children.
  • Improvement in education, health, livelihoods though participatory community development process.
CDF Values:                                    

·      Mutual respect

·      Non-discriminatory

·      Accountability & Transparency

·      Gender equality

·      Commitment


CDF Thematic Focus:

  • Basic Primary Education and Adult Literacy Program
  • Gender Equality & Women Empowerment Program
  • Agriculture & Livestock Management Program
  • Poverty Alleviation Program
  • Health focusing mental health & WASH Program
  • Sustainable Livelihoods Program
  • Natural Disaster Management Program
  • Peace Pluralism and Justice
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 5 Gender Equality, Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Institutions

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