DevCon – An Association for Rural Development; was conceived when a group of young professionals from various walks of life joined hands with a vision of striving for a socially, economically and politically viable society. To translate this vision they organized their efforts registered DevCon in 1997 under Societies Act 1860 as a not for profit non government organization (NGO).
Organization underwent an evolutionary process. Initially, for five years, organization was managed by volunteers and associates on voluntarily basis. It was a conscious strategy to run the organization on voluntary basis to assess sustainability and commitment with its vision. Under this strategy, young men and women with a desire to do something for the development of their own career and communities were taken onboard as volunteers. These volunteers were mentored and trained on various aspects of development sector programs, strategies, and organizational management. These volunteers later become the skilled human resources for DevCon as well as for other sectoral organization in Sindh.
Education was the first progamme them DevCon started working at. Eventually, in 2010 DevCon emerged as multi-sectoral right based organization in Sindh. Since then, DevCon is working on major programme themes i-e Education, Health, Child Protection, Economic Empowerment, Governance and Emergencies in Sindh.
The organization has grown itself from a local one room space to provincial level spread and moving to national level coverage for its cause.
Currently, DevCon has Headquarters in Hyderabad and programme offices in number of districts covering northern, central and southern Sindh province of Pakistan. We have very meaningful partnership with local communities, local/national/international organizations and government line agencies.