About Organization
  • Established in: 2012

  • Registration Law: Societies Registration Act 1860

  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Adult Literacy, Environment, Conservation, Disaster, Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment, Disability

  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Research, Capacity Building

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Peshawar

  • House No. 13, Street No. 17, Kafla Road Near, Shell Pump University Road Peshawar

  • Phone: 03138585520

  • Email: dfca.dfa@gmail.com

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 5 Gender Equality, Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Institutions


Direct Focus Community Aid (DFCA) is a non- government organization established in year 2009 and registered in 2012 with the Government of Pakistan under the Social Welfare Act 1961, Societies Act, Social Welfare FATA registration and Allowed to Work Status from Ministry of SAFFRON to operate all over Pakistan. It involves general public, organizations and individuals and operates under Pakistani law without discrimination on the basis of religion, race, color, nationality and ethnicity.

What We Do?

DFCA (Direct Focus Community Aid), strives for partnership with community to develop a society based on three core values of sustainable human development: self-esteem, freedom of choice and tolerance; a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities and justice irrespective of gender and status. DFCA has worked on several projects where it has, and is helping girls to complete their education and is employing women as teachers. It helped public institutions in implementation of decentralization, to facilitate human development in KP and FATA. A key objective of decentralization is to improve the delivery of public services.

DFCA has undertaken many projects to involve youth in healthy initiatives, where they are given an opportunity to learn, hence their capacity is built. DFCA seeks to involve the local communities in the development of local level infrastructure important for the socio-economic uplift of the communities. DFCA has worked upon many national and focused projects.

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to educate, create greater awareness and ensure participation of marginalized, oppressed and resource poor communities at all levels by harnessing their potential necessary for their socio-economic uplift through the process of sustainable development.”

Vision Statement

“DFCA’s visions rests on three key pillars; development through empowerment, crisis management through strategic planning, and sustainability through innovation Researchers.”