About Organization
  • Established in: 2007
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Health
  • What We Do: Research, Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Peshawar
  • H # 53 – C/3, Gul Mohar Lane, University Town Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Phone: 0915853030
  • Email: ehsarfoundation@gmail.com

Education Health Social Awareness & Rehabilitation Foundation herein referred as EHSAR Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-political Humanitarian Relief and Social Development Organization working for the betterment of vulnerable population of Pakistan, and to enhance the capacity of the masses to respond to their basic needs and lives in a dignified way, without disturbing their norms value and culture. EHSAR Foundation was established by a team of well professional and dedicated individuals in October 2005 after the Earthquake 2005, and supported the affected population during those harsh days. EHSAR Foundation continued its services for the masses of the country, especially for marginalized and deprived communities in the operational area, according to its capacity and resources. Later on in August 2007, the organization was registered with Department of Social Welfare under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 (XLVI of 1961) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, with registration # DSW / NWFP – 2804.
EHSAR Foundation is working with an aim of poverty reduction, a world where people can enjoy a sustainable livelihood without discrimination on the basis of caste, religion ethnicity and gender, which is free of illiteracy and diseases and where every individual can enjoy his/her fundamental rights. The organization works “To support & strengthen human resources and institution for the promotion of sustainable development at the grass root level.” This aim is achieved with the close collaboration of partner communities, Government, and organizations through a participatory, demand responsive, gender and poverty sensitive integrated development approach in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. Since its rapid evolution, EHSAR Foundation has provided services in different fields i.e. Health, Protection & Legal Aid Assistance, Shelter/NFIs, WASH, Food Security & livelihood, Physical Infrastructure Development and awareness diffusion programs towards sustainable rural development. EHSAR Foundation has taken on board poor & marginalized communities and is continuously extending it for the achievement of national objectives. EHSAR Foundation plans to leave no stone unturned in order to make its dreams come true and for that EHSAR Foundation has branched out its thematic working area, i.e. Health, Community Services, Protection & legal Aid assistance, Shelter, Food security & Livelihood, community physical infrastructure development, WASH, Relief & rehabilitation and reconstruction. EHSAR Foundation is working with the rural masses of FR’s, FATA & settled Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for enhancing their standard of life through community organization, livelihood improvement, health care and hygiene promotion, Human settlement and last but not the least the provision of the social services.
Major focus of the organization is to provide better health services including protection of basic rights along with opportunities of better livelihood. Along with this, EHSAR Foundation is offering WASH and rehabilitation services to the masses and creating social awareness in the society with a view to cultivate a more educated generation. EHSAR Foundation feels proud in working for the employment of better opportunities of education, health (Especially mother and child health) for its people. Moreover EHSAR is working for health and hygiene awareness and congenital rights of children that are good health and education as well. It has been working for the empowerment of the vulnerable women of the society by introducing vocational and skill development trainings through which they can earn their livelihood inside the four walls of their homes with dignity. EHSAR is earnestly working to eliminate violence against women, child marriages, minority rights, person’s with disability & elderly and child rights. Keeping its mission in mind EHSAR Foundation has planned to play a leading role in humanizing community Infrastructure through enhanced access of masses to basic civil needs.
EHSAR Foundation is governed by a group of experienced Executive Committee members (ECM) and chairman/Executive Director who in turn are assisted by a group of experienced member who undertakes the day-to-day management. EHSAR can operate in all Districts of Pakistan as per bylaws of the organization including six Frontier Regions (FR) and Seven FATA Agencies (Federally Administered Tribal Area). Currently EHSAR Foundation has presence in seven districts of Khyber Pakhunkhwa, and five agencies of FATA.


A world, free of poverty, illiteracy and disease, where everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights to lead a healthy and independent life with dignity and honor without any discrimination on the basis of religion, creed, race, ethnicity, caste, language, gender or nationality.


Offering Education, Health and rehabilitation facilities to and creating Social Awareness in the society with a view to cultivate an educated and more levelheaded generation


Verve to Serve

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