About Organization
  • Established in: 2012
  • Registration Law: Trust Act 1882
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health, Women
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Larkana
  • H# 196, Near Govt. Boys Primary School, Sachal Colony, Larkana, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Phone: 03332792571
  • Email: eradalrk.org@gmail.com

ERADA was established in 2008 and registered with date on 10thJanuary, 2012 Under Societies Act XXI of 1860, as a non-sectarian, non-political, not-for-profit humanitarian organization. Since its establishment ERADA has been actively involved in the welfare of urban and rural population with primary focus on women folks and minorities to empower them for their basic rights, social justice, and poverty alleviation as well as promoting and supporting local and existing community organizations /beneficiaries groups to manage development projects. The recent natural/manmade disasters led ERADA to not only focus on long terms development initiatives but also to cover need of people in distress during emergencies by providing them support.


“To develop a prosperous, peaceful and harmonious society by serving the communities”


“To facilitate and empower the communities to achieve their developmental goals, specially marginalized and neglected population of the society”


The fundamental premise of ERADA is that women and men who are conventionally termed as poor have the economic and human capacity as well as the moral right to actively participate in the development process that affects them and to identify their own development priorities. Aims and goal of ERADA are;
? Education
? Child Protection
? Health, Sanitation and WASH
? Women Empowerment & Gender Equality
? Legal rights & Ombudsman
? Social and Environmental Protection
? Sustainable Livelihood
? Youth development and Old age people benefits
? Capacity Development and Vocational Trainings

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