About Organization
  • Established in: 2016
  • Registration Law: Societies Registration Act 1860
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Disaster, Economic Empowerment, Disability
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Capacity Building
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Bahawalnagar
  • Chishtian Parl Colony, Chishtian-Bahawalnagar
  • Phone: 03017601519
  • Email: ehssas.org@gmail.com

Ehsas educational and social development organization (EESDO) is a non- government, non- political organization that works in vulnerable communities of District Bahawalnagar registered under registration Societies Act 1860 in 2016. EESDO is a not for profit, non-discriminatory Organization having diversified experience of implementing community based projects through an inclusive approach. EESDO was established by a group of young and energetic people who are highly motivated and committed for contributing their time, skills and energies for the development and empowerment of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable communities in Pakistan and addressing poverty issues and gender based discriminations. EESDO prime mandate is to strengthen the society through building human resource and strengthening livelihood opportunities in order to ensure that Human Rights are experienced in all levels of community through formation of community institutions and Socio-economic & political empowerment of under privilege sections of the society.


Build poverty free society through capacity building and enhancement of economic resources.


Build human capital and strengthen the marginalized section of society to eradicate poverty by enhancing the Skills, Expertise, knowledge and capability where justice, peace and gender equally prevail.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Institutions, Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

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