Title: Environment, Food Production and Public Health
Donor Agency: The Conservation, Food & Health Foundation
Min. Budget: USD 25,000
Max. Budget: USD 50,000
The following are examples of the Foundation’s areas of interest within the fields of conservation, food, and health, and are not meant to be exclusive.
Grants in the food and agriculture program area focus on research-based projects that build capacity for self-sufficiency and resilience to climate change, strengthen local food systems, and support healthy nutrition through projects that:
The Foundation supports efforts that test new ideas and approaches that promote public health, with a special emphasis on reproductive health and family planning and their integration with other health promotion activities. It favors community-level disease prevention and health promotion projects and efforts that help strengthen regional and country public health systems over disease diagnosis, treatment, and care provided by clinics, hospitals, and humanitarian aid programs.
Activities that help increase capacity include applied research, program development, technical assistance, and training projects that: