Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 13 Climate Action
Farmers’ Integrated Development Association (FIDA) is a community based, non- profit, non- governmental organization that was formed out of the collaborative efforts of National IPM programme NARC Islamabad, FAO and Plan Pakistan. After successful implementation of FAO FFS program on Cotton IPM for Asia in Vehari during 2003-4, National IPM Programme of NARC and Plan Pakistan launched a joint initiative of “Farm Family IPM Education Project”. Founded in 2006, FIDA was registered in 2007 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. FIDA consists of 67 committed and motivated trained activists/trainers (Male & Female) through Farmers Training of Facilitators (FToF), Farmer Field School (FFS), Women Open School (WOS) and Children Ecological Club (CEC) approaches along with safeguarding of children and young people.
FIDA is enhancing people’s well-being through knowledge, innovation and transformative actions. We work through an ecosystem approach integrating and delivering services that empower smallholders and marginalized grow their way out of poverty and uncertainty and to be more profitable.
Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 13 Climate Action