FSD is a non-profit, non- political, non- sectarian, non-governmental organization. The purpose was to establish a prosperous society where the people having easy access to their rights and avail basic facilities with unbiased approach. FSD Started it Activities in December 2015, and in February 2017 Properly Registered from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Societies act XXI 1860.
The need is to solve the problems that seem to be obstacles in the way to progress and development. The fortune of KP and FATA (which mostly consist on rural areas) also hang in the balance owing these issues to be tackled such as low literacy rate, Non availability of basic health services and lack of support for Socio-Economic development are the impediments of the community empowerment.
FSD has been established with the purpose to illuminate the masses about the solution of such issues and to mobilize them for their capacity building form ownership and promoting all community development initiatives at gross root level.
Everyone has equitable access to all opportunities without any discrimination of Class, Cast, Ethnicity and Religion to participate and contribute in the nation building.
FSD envision developing a sustainable development model for reducing poverty and promoting sustainable means of livelihood for the poor and disadvantaged communities in the program area.
• To ensure full community participation through awareness and education in all stages of the developmental activities.
• To Work for Human Rights Protection
• To promote primary education and to raise literacy rate (male & Female).
• To support the masses to meet the basic health care services.
• To work in the control of environmental pollution.
• To Asses the farmers in raising field and productivity of crops.
• To undertake any development and capacity building activities which are helpful for the uplift and neglect sectors of the society.
• To Asses an individual is group of people in income generating activities.
• To provide emergency relief services to the effected community in time of natural calamities (earthquake, flood, Cyclones etc) manmade disasters.
• To promote linkages with community based organizations, NGOs and national and international development.
• To launch awareness and advocacy programs on relevant issues for Effective mobilization.
• To work on disaster risk reduction.
• To work for the youth development.