About Organization
  • Established in: 2011
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Advocacy
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad
  • Office No.1, 3rd Floor, Islamabad Arcade, G 11 Markaz Islamabad.
  • Phone: 0512360072
  • Email: info@geese.org.pk

Global Educational, Economic and Social Empowerment (GEESE) is a non-profit organization enthused  for an educated, peaceful, self-reliant, socio-economically empowered democratic society living a dignified and prosperous life. GEESE was established in 2008 and registered in 2011 with Joint Stock Companies and Societies, Pakistan under the Societies Act. 1860

GEESE’s core body brings diverse professional experiences. We have a strong background to offer multi-sector development projects and have institutionalized policies, systems and procedures at par with international donor standards. Our 6-year progress is a strong evidence of successful project implementation in multiple sectors. Education, Democracy, Food Security & Livelihood, SBDRM & CBDRM, Youth Empowerment, Child/Human Rights, Staff Development, Emergency and Relief, Vocational Trainings for Increasing Employability, Coordination and Linkage Development have been the focused themes. Through these projects, VDMCs, UDMCs, School Safety Committee (SSC), District electoral Reforms Groups (DERGs), Youth Volunteer Forums (YVFs), Citizens’ Voter Groups (CVGs), and Vigilance Committee (VC), were formed, trained and supported for their vital contribution towards community-driven achievements and sustainability. We take pride for receiving positive response from multiple stakeholders, e.g. children, youth and communities – the rights holders and government and non-government officials – the duty bearers and making successful attempts in a short span of time. We are pleased to share that on the basis of sound internal control, compliance and quality service delivery, GEESE has been selected as Cooperative Potential Partner by USAID, UNWFP, UNICEF and UNDP.


“An educated, peaceful, self-reliant, socio-economically empowered democratic society living a dignified and prosperous life.”


To promote people centered sustainable development by fostering communities for economic, social and human resource development through participation of all people, collaborating with public institutions, civil society and advocating for policy formulations to establish a stable, safe and just society where people are self-reliant and spending quality of life.


To address the social and economic problems for collective interest of the society e.g. Right to Information, Vote, Health, Education, Livelihoods, Governance, Peace, Transparency, Accountability and justice etc. by enhancing community’s capacity in taking ample measures for towards resolution of common issues.
To undertake cross cutting and multi-sector projects ranging from governance, education, economic & social empowerment vis-à-vis community participation and involvement by Strengthening Communities for Sustainable Development.
To empower community/Village based organizations (CBOs/VSOs) to jointly work and monitor the development project impacts in ensuring durability/sustainability of the interventions;
4.   To save lives, lessen sufferings and create resilience in the Natural/Man-made disaster prone communities through establishment of DRR/DRM components.
5.   To ensure economic development and improvements in people’s general living conditions;
6.   To establish fora for promoting positive change and leadership, boost relationships and understanding among populace for promoting social wellbeing and eradication of social evils like illiteracy, hunger, disease, unemployment and lack of awareness
To make people realize their strength and potentials to solve their problems, improve their life style by increasing their income. Through training for the income generating activities, orient them to take advantages and profit from Government schemes and resource mobilization. Make use of Natural resources available in the area and at the same time protect the environment.
To eradicate poverty through education. Giving people power to go to school and learn how to read and write, learn how to care for the family, how to grow food and how to optimally use natural resources available in their area and at the same time how to protect the environment.
To create the conditions in all cultures and societies so that all human rights are respected including the rights to participate in the decisions that affect people’s life, to healthcare, to the highest quality of education possible, right to a decent job and rights at work, right to decent housing, to a healthy environment, to have access to culture and art, right to information, etc.

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