Governance Institutes Network International (GINI) was set up as a governance and policy reforms purpose organization registered under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 in 2007 with its own board of directors and office at House # 23, Street # 30, Sector F-8/1, Islamabad.
GINI is a multidiscipline research oriented organization. Its underlying objective is to undertake policy, institutional & cultural analysis and action research advocacy as well as consultancy to facilitate politically owned institutional revival through networked research outputs and social communication through advocacy, workshops, seminars, conferences and media to create and increase awareness of the need or result oriented accountability for good governance.
The Information communications technology (ICT) team at GINI has a unique capacity of National Reconstruction Bureau’s institutional memory, especially with reference to e-governance initiatives. Our core team has over twenty years of experience in developmental and implementation of multiple national level programs, using IT as a support mechanism Our expertise now extends to and includes information gathering methodologies, inter-relational data bases, and GIS applications synergized to facilitate decision support systems further supported by detailed analysis, evaluation and/or visual/spatial representations.
Such information systems have been utilized to perform routine monitoring of government service delivery by elected representatives and citizen organizations at the local level. In this way the gap between government claims and ground realities has been narrowed with a concomitant effect on reducing corruption.