GODH is a Lahore based non-profit civil society organization working on pro poor issues such as Rights of Human, Women, Child, and Better Environment, Peace, Social Justice and Good Governance. GODH acts as an Information Resource and works with highly oppressed and illiterate communities.
In 1998, it was the dream and commitment of few young minds to do philanthropy for the marginalized indigenous nomadic (Gypsy) Communities. They lived there and spent time with these Communities to understand their culture and lifestyle. They did research on them to get grass root data about groups in Lahore. On the basis of this study, it was assessed that their lot could be changed. The GODH assessment shows that there are number of indigence nomadic groups in Lahore who have different family setups, cultures and professions that differ from each other. There are about 93000 families living in Lahore belonging to different casts.
GODH was initially registered with Trust Act in Lahore during 1998. It was however registered again with the Societies Act - 1860 during 2004 as a non-governmental organization working on issues of children and youth focusing on Education, Health, Environment, Peace and Democracy. GODH believes that the current poor condition of human rights is not a problem in itself, but it is an outcome of different social, economic and traditional factors. To work for the betterment of human rights’ current status, it is necessary to have a holistic approach towards its different relevant factors.
GODHis one the pioneering organization in Pakistan that has been instrumental in bringing the issue of nomadic class into mainstream development sector