About Organization
  • Established in: 2011
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Disaster, Health, Women, Economic Empowerment, Disability
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Research, Service Delivery, Capacity Building
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Hyderabad
  • Opposite Govt. Girls Primary School Ismail Soomro, Near Hussain Hights, Wadho Wah, Qasimabad, Hyderabad.
  • Phone: 0222107734
  • Email: hamdamfoundationhyd@gmail.com


Hamdam Foundation (HF) is a non-governmental, not for profit organization. HF was established in the year of 2005 by a group of social workers, social development professionals. The organization is legally registered in Societies Registration Act 1860. Hamdam Foundation has been implementing humanitarian and development initiatives across the Sindh province of Pakistan. HF also involves in service delivery activities on the basis of community needs. The primary focus of HF is to provide a friendly environment to poor who are deprived and struggling to enjoy peaceful life with dignity. The organization has long-standing presence in the Sindh province. It has gathered ample experience of project management while working with national and international donor agencies i.e. IOM, Acted, USAID SGPAF, UNDP GEF,& UNICEF, Water Aid and RDF & Oxfam Novaib, BHS, NDS support Action Aid Pakistan

HF’s vision:  Tolerant & self-reliant society based on equity and equality.

Mission: To achieve basic human needs and secure living standard and rights of the marginalized people through mobilizing and building the capacity of indigenous community based groups for proper utilization of local resources for sustainable social and economic development.

Support Unit

(i)  Operation (Administration, Accounts & Finance) (ii) Fundraising Unit (iii) Training & Capacity Building Unit

Thematic Areas 

  • Education, Awareness and Advocacy (ii) Environment & Climate Change, (iii) Skill Development & Sustainable Livelihood and (iv) Integrated Agriculture Development

Hamdam foundation has worked in following areas

  • Kharochhan,K.T Bander  Thatta
  • Jamshoro
  • Tando Allayar
  • Mirpur Khas
  • Tharparkar
  • Sanghar
  • Badin
  • Kashmore @ Kandhkot

Current Projects

Educating, Advocating and Awakening Campaign:  This is a long campaign which aims at creating awareness amongst youth about their right such as right to education, right to information, right to spousal choice, right to sexual heath, and so on. Under this campaign we arrange seminars, workshops, policy dialogues, walks, and celebration of international events/days. Action Aid-Pakistan, NATPOW, SPO are some of key partners in this programme.

Consultancy for Training of Business Skills ( Basic Numeracy Literacy, Life Skills, Market Linkages and enterprise development) Kashmore North Sindh

Hamdam Foundation is providing service of consultancy for training about above mentioned skills at Kashmore North Sindh through skilled and professional trainers. This activity is funded by Acted RFQ/04CTA/J12TGC/ISL/20-02-2018/14

Consultancy for Training of Business Skills ( Basic Numeracy Literacy, Life Skills, Market Linkages and enterprise development) Kashmore North Sindh

Hamdam Foundation is providing service of consultancy for training about above mentioned skills at Kashmore North Sindh through skilled and professional trainers. This activity is funded by Acted PC/04CTA/J12-TGC/ISL/09-04-2018/209Rural Women Empowerment through Vocational Skills Development and Enhance Access to Enterprises Opportunities in Taluka Sewhan District Jamshoro: Currently Hamdam Foundation is implementing two year project with Community Development Programme CDP, Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh. The project aims to train 900 rural women in dress making and designing at Taluka Sehwan of District Jamshroro

Women’s Skill Development Project: HF is implementing a long term skill development projects through its umbrella organization Mashal Skill Development Center (MSDC) since 2009. MSDC is registered under Trading Testing Board. MSDC has trained 700 women in different trades including Making & Designing, Information Technology, Fashion Designing and short course for homebased workers.

Implemented Projects

 Improving Socio- Economic Status of Women from Urban Slums of Hyderabad:  HF implemented a project with the support of USAID Ambassador Fund project (December 2014 to 30 December 2015). The project aimed at developing vocational skills of women in Appliqué and Embroidery work. The 150 women were trained through two month short courses. The trainees were also oriented about marketable products, market demands and requirement. The women business associations were also formed for creating effective and sustainable market linkages.

 Alternate livelihood training for bonded labour:  HF implemented a skill development project entitled ‘Alternative livelihood training for bonded labour’ with Bhandar Hari Sanghar & Action Aid-Pakistan in Tando Allahayr & Mirpurkhas. 200 rural women belonging to bonded labour families were trained in skill development. The trainees were also provided with a tool kit and certificate

Skills Enhancement of Poor Women

The project ‘skills enhancement of poor women’ was implemented with NGO’s Development Society (NDS) and Action Aid Pakistan in district Kandhkot, Sindh. The poor women were selected by NDS. The HF through its umbrella organisation Mashal Skill Development Center, which is registered under Trade Testing Board (TTB) Karachi, trained 100 women in dress making. The trainees were provided training certificates.


Enhancing Quality and Access to TVET for Employability: Hamdam Foundation implemented one year project in collaboration with Research and Development Foundation (RDF), funded by Oxfam Novib at District Jamshoro. There were 60 women trained through Mashal Skill Development Center MSDC in tailoring and machine embroidery. The organization developed training curriculum and it was approved by STEVTA. The career counselling session were also conducted during training period.

Mangroves Reforestation and Conservation Project:  Hamdam Foundation (HF) implemented on year project entitled "Mangroves Reforestation and Conservation" project supported by UNDP GEF Small Grants Program Pakistan.  Project aimed to reforest mangroves, organizing local communities for the protection and enhancing participatory mangrove’s resource management in coastal areas of Taluka Kharochan, District Thatta.

Flood Response Project (Facilitated 10,000 HHs): Hamdam Foundation (HF) provided relief response to 10,000 affected populations settled in camps, affected areas of district Jamshoro. The areas includes; union councils Lakah NFI Kit distribution amongst 100 HHs, village Budhapur distribution of 200 tents, Village Kareen Chawaro 100 tents, Distribution of NFI kit at Union Council Ali Abad, NFIs kit distribution in union council Lakha amongst 1000 families. The response was provided in collaboration with IOM, UNICEF, SPO, OPP and NATOPOW. There were 3000 families were provided flood items. The 100 tents and NIFs kit were also provided during the relief activities.

One Room Shelter Project:

Hamdam Foundation in the response of floods 2010 actively worked with rural communities. The organization worked with OPP-RTI and established  1613 one room shelters in various districts Dadu, Jamshoro, Badin and Tando Allahyar of Sindh province.

Safe Drinking Water:  Hamdam Foundation (HF) completed a project with the OPP-RTI to provide clean and safe drinking water in District Thatta & Jamshoro.  There were 100 hand pumps installed in district Jamshoro, Sindh. The project was funded by OPP-RTI and Water Aid-Pakistan

Community Schools: Hamdam foundation established a community schools project in flood affected areas with collaboration of OPP/RT in the year of 2010. The informal education was provided at camps. There were 5 schools established in 5 villages of union councils Piaro Chawaro of district Jamshoro

Temporary Learning Centers (TLCs): In floods 2011, HF worked with SPO and established temporary learning centers TLCs at Tando Allahyar. TLCs provided education in the flooding time.  About 500 children living in flood relieve camps were facilitated and provided primary education.


Partner Organisation

GEF-UNDP, Pakistan

USAID’s Ambassador Fund

Bhandar Hari Sangat Tando Allahyar,Mirpur khas,Action Aid Karachi

Acted Pakistan

OPP/RDT Water Aid-Pak


International Organisation for Migration (IOM)

NATPOW  Govt of  Pakistan

UNICEF /Strengthening Participatory Organisation, Hyderabad



Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 2 Zero Hunger, Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 5 Gender Equality, Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities, Goal 13 Climate Action, Goal 14 Life below Water, Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Institutions, Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

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