About Organization
  • Established in: 1988
  • Registration Law: Trust Act 1882
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Disaster, Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment, Disability
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Advocacy, Research, Service Delivery, Capacity Building
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad
  • Plot No 2, Street No 2, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad – Pakistan.
  • Phone: 0512719434
  • Email: info@hashoofoundation.org

Hashoo Foundation (HF) is a progressive and dynamic nonprofit organization, leading the way in human development and poverty alleviation by implementing viable economic development, educational and capacity building programs in Pakistan since 1988.

HF registered in 1988 under the Trust Act 1882 and also certified by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP). HF chapters in UK and USA are registered with the Charity Commission in the UK 2011 and registered with 501(c) (3) of the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code respectively.

HF envisages an ethical, equitable, inclusive and progressive society in which people live with dignity and have power over their own lives. The mission of the Foundation is to enable and empower communities to be independent by facilitating equitable access to opportunities irrespective of cast and creed.

HF envision culturally responsive and inclusive community development approach by capitalizing on local resources. It draws on the values of equity, inclusivity, transparency, innovation, integrity, respect and fulfillment. These norms constitute HF’s core organizational values and provide guiding principles in setting Standards Operational Procedures (SOPs) within the following thematic areas:

Economic Empowerment
Social Development (Education as sub-theme)
Environment-Climate Change
HF development interventions cover a wide geographical area across Pakistan with the objective to improve the socio-economic conditions of vulnerable communities.  The Foundation has a functioning governance structure in the UK and USA and it aspires to extend the development work across the developing world of strategic importance for the Foundation.

HF caters to the socioeconomic needs of vulnerable communities from both urban and rural areas through its offices in districts of Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, Gawadar, Gilgit and Chitral. In addition to delivering development services these offices also operate as points of collaboration and partnership with other development agencies.

At the heart of Foundation’s operations, is a core belief that, a focus on economic empowerment leads to development at both the individual and community level. The Foundation aspires to become a platform to improve access to opportunities by linking skill development, capacity building and local wisdom as employable options for socio-economic transformation.


“We envisage an ethical, equitable, inclusive and progressive society in which people live with dignity and have power over their own lives.”


“To enable and empower communities to be independent by facilitating equitable access to opportunities.”


To improve the socio-economic conditions of vulnerable communities

Online Presence

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