“To cherish a vibrant, promising & self-reliant society”.
“To build institutional frameworks for people empowerment, through human development, social integration, moral uplift, instant relief and environmental protection, in a dignified and transparent manner”.
About Help In Need
Help In Need (HIN) was established in June 2003 for the purpose to assist and improve the lives of deprived people of Pakistan irrespective of any discrimination. HIN is non-political and not for profit social organization duly registered with Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) under section 42 of the companies’ ordinance 1984. It is also certified by Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) based on three key parameters;
Good Governance
Financial Management
Program Delivery
Moreover, it also has tax exemption status from Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) government of Pakistan.
HIN's is governed by its Board of Directors (BOD). These directors are elected after completion of a three years period as per the policy guidelines of SECP. The directors are elected by its members who then choose a chairperson. The BOD nominates a small board/committee called “Board of Management” who oversees the activities of the organization on monthly basis whereas BOD meets quarterly. Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place annually where all members and directors participate and also select external auditors and legal advisor for the next year. Currently organization has 20 members, 10 Board of Directors (BOD) of which 3 also represent the Board of Management (BOM).
Chief Executive Officer/Chief Operating Officer serves as operational head of day to day activities and reports to BOM and BOD on monthly and quarterly basis respectively. Each major program and department is headed by a respective Program manager. The field offices are managed by Field coordinators/Managers. HIN is being managed through well-defined policies and procedures. It has standardized systems of accounting and internal control. Internal and external audits are in place to ensure accountability and transparency.Moreover, Monitoring& evaluation is the integral part of all programs and projects. Different sets of M&E tools and procedures are used to monitor and evaluate progress of various ongoing projects. To provide need based humanitarian services, HIN has worked almost in all provinces of Pakistan including FATA and AJK. Summarized overall goals behind our major programs are;
To ensure accessibility to quality based formal and non-formal education especially focusing on girls’ education in an enabling and empowering environment
To provide safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education
To provide basic needs to identified and selected orphan in terms of educational support, health care, career counseling as well as livelihood support for their families
To provide prompt relief, recovery reconstruction and rehabilitation facilities to the victims of disasters
To play our part in reduction of extreme poverty through demand driven vocational trainings and livelihood support
To mobilize ,build & enhance capacity for resilience of disaster affected communities
To provide food/non-food items as well as nutrition education and support
HIN encourages active participation of the communities in the development of the social and economic lives of the society through their involvement in decision-making, planning and implementation of activities. The beneficiaries of HIN programs and activities are the whole community but the special focus of the organization is on the vulnerable and marginalized community. The interventions undertaken or planned by HIN keep the aspects of sustainability, gender, social harmony and accountability at the forefront. On a provincial and district level, HIN promotes coordination among Govt. line departments, organizations and clusters involved in the implementation process.