HUJRA is a not-for-profit, non- political, non-ethnic and development orientedorganization working in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Province and FATA regions of Pakistan. HUJRA was established in 1997 and registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860.HUJRA is a professionally managed and committed Civil Society Organization active in community capacity building, issue based networking and advocacy.
The word “Hujra” means a traditional common place of a pushtoon society which is an important traditional social institution for collective decision-making, conflict resolution, information sharing and social development.
“A prosperous, food secure, educated and disaster resilient society living in greater social harmony through sustainable actions”
“To work with food insecure, socially weak and literate, and disaster prone communities to turn around situation in their favor, especially for marginalized segments of the society, with sustainability of actions in focus”
To empower communities including women for collective decision making, better prepared for disasters and continue with sustainable and harmonious socioeconomic development.
To build capacity of the communities for undertaking socio-economic development in harmony with the conservation of their natural resources.
Through better networking and coordination, creating space for intellectual debate and discussions for social transformation towards common goodness.
To enhance knowledge-base through applied research for sustainable development interventions
To advocate preservation of environment impacts, sustainable livelihoods, basic human rights, social services and conducive environment for participation.
To support communities in emergencies by providing and channelizing relief.