About Organization
  • Established in: 2005
  • Themes & Interventions: Disaster, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Lahore
  • 2-B LDA Flats, Garden View Apartments, Lawrence Road, Lahore 54000, Pakistan.
  • Phone: 04236313186
  • Email: info.hnp@gmail.com

HomeNet Pakistan is a network of organizations formed to raise awareness about the working conditions of home based women workers who comprise 70% of the informal workforce behind the country`s economic activities. It is working for the recognition and support of home based workers since 2005.Established under the Societies Registration Act and is a member of HomeNet South Asia (HNSA). The other members of HNSA are the HomeNets of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

HomeNet believes that women home workers should be recognized as laborers instead of considering them poor, deserving charity and some welfare schemes. They must be seen as producers and productivity of their commodities has to be increased with skill development training, improved technologies, direct access to credit schemes and the market. They also need to be adequately reflected in national statistics and recognized as workers in the labor laws of the country, thus making them eligible for social, economic and legislative protection.

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