HIDO is a non for profit organization, non-government, non-political and non-religious but based on humanism. It was established in 2009 but registered in 2011. The target area for the given objectives is primarily Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. HIDO has been working on many development projects for the uplift of all excluded groups who are unaware of modern innovations and trends necessary for the development of the area. HIDO gives special preference to the participation of these target groups in the implementation of the project/ program for conclusive results in the improvement of their lives.
A democratic, healthy, educated and developed society, where people can envisage solution to their problems on their own.
The mission of the HIDO is to include the excluded groups in the development of the area through promotion of education, mother & child health care and WASH. It will strive to improve the lives of excluded groups by making their access to the basic human rights, democracy, available resources and opportunities to enable them to solve their problems on their own.
To develop and implement educational programs for poor and to extend assistive support to strengthen government and non-government educational institutions, i.e. conducting special training programs for school teachers, mobilizing community for increasing enrolment and reducing dropouts.
To undertake health and hygiene promotional activities including setting up of health care centers.
To ensure accountability, transparency and good governance in social services in order to streamline and strengthen the departments and organizations that provides these services.
To provide livelihood opportunities to the people of poor and backward communities.
Advocacy for peace, equality and human rights, especially for the right of children and women.
To empower women to enable them to acquire their rights on their own through active participation in political process, accountability of the social services for women and access to their basic rights.
To discourage rites and rituals that exploits the rights of women and enhances the capabilities of women to voice against those illegitimate customs.
To help individuals to develop a sound understanding of their total development and enable them to attain positive self-images, self-respect and self-confidence.