Established in: 2000
Registration Law: Society Registration Act 1860
Themes & Interventions: Education, Children
What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery
Head Office at Lahore
70-B-1, Gulberg III Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 04235711107
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) or the “Centre of Education and Consciousness” Public Trust, is a response to the profound crisis of education and multiple crises forming the nuts and bolts of the Education Challenge. ITA was born out of a growing realization that the most critical of human entitlements, the right to learning, knowledge systems, citizenship skills and a 9,000 years of living heritage is being denied to the citizens of Pakistan.
"To promote education as a comprehensive process for human and social transformation"
To actively pursue universal access and standard setting in education as a comprehensive learning experience for human evolution and consciousness by creating contemporary education systems for all children without discrimination due to gender, class, age, religion, color and ethnicity and, endeavoring to address educational bottlenecks through timely resource mobilization and influencing of public policy.
The objectives of the Trust are to:
Embark upon appropriate institutional arrangements to explore, experiment, research and implement quality alternatives committed to educational excellence in a global setting.
Establish an institute for professional development for educators, for undertaking reforms, and implement high standards of practice.
Undertake institutional strengthening of public, private sector and community-based organizations for managing change and achieving quality and caring education services through area-based approaches.
Promote enabled learning based on principles and practices of education for sustainable development (ESD).
Alleviate resource bottlenecks which prevent individuals and organizations from maximizing potential for benefiting society.
Develop and promote information and communications system to access latest global evidence on education trends for influencing practice, policy and reform processes in-country and globally.
Document, network and organize inter-cultural exchanges with like-minded organizations locally, regionally and globally for sharing best practices, validating the work of the Trust as a global institution to promote the mission of Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi.
Cultivate norms of citizenship and democracy through redesigned education processes based on: respect for diversity, heritage, universal human rights and tolerance.