Founded in 2004, Indus Heritage Trust is a Not-for-Profit Organization, engaged in preserving and
promoting Pakistan’s rich heritage of Arts and Crafts whilst empowering communities and
substantiating change.
IHT was awarded a major project in 2014 which enabled it to achieve many milestones. Project
RANG (Developing Artisanal Livelihood in Rural Pakistan) was launched with the collaboration of The
World Bank and The Japan Social Development Fund. Through RANG, IHT has achieved targets of
increasing the livelihood of over 2700 artisans in rural areas of South Punjab and Sind, in a timespan
of four years.
Our mission is twofold. To enhance and strengthen the skills of artisans to help them create high
quality, hand crafted products and to create a sustainable future for rural communities, providing
them with economic independence through craft based skills.
Indus Heritage is focusing on initiating a business model to enable these artisans to access the
market in an organized and sustained way. Towards that end, beside skill based training,
Community Facilitation Centers (CFC’s) at district level and Cluster Enterprise (CE’s) at community
level have been set up to initiate the process of guiding the artisans to take ownership of the
business enterprise over time. All steps in business management and executing orders successfully
have been laid out. Time and consistent effort is needed to embed systems initiated by IHT to be
rooted to benefit a large number of people in an industry that is green, can be started with bare
minimum investment and will discourage migration to cities in search of livelihood opportunities