About Organization
  • Established in: 1992
  • Registration Law: Other
  • What We Do: Awareness Raising, Service Delivery, Small Loans
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Gujranwala
  • Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Phone: 0554284454
  • Email: info@jws.org.pk
  • Other Offices: Wazirabad

Jinnah Welfare Society (JWS) was established in 1990 and registered on 28th March 1992. It is working with low-income and unbanked people with the mandate to eradicate poverty. JWS contributes to uplifting the literacy rate and improving the physical infrastructure and capacity development of poor communities.

Jinnah Welfare Society has designed its Vision, Mission, and Objectives to establish a clear-cut working methodology to alleviate poverty in target areas.


  • Provision of Knowledge, Information and Skills to poor and needy sections of society specially women, children and farmers to improve their social and economical conditions.
  • To train the people running small enterprise how to expand their businesses and making those more beneficial economically.
  • Provision of technical and financial support to target groups to improve their social, health, infrastructural and economical conditions.
  • Make sure Access to Justice should be with easy process for all.
  • Technical and Professional Education should be promoted and accessibility to education with subsidy for poor and deserving students.
  • People should give rights to choose their elected representatives through free, fair, transparent democratic process.
  • Establish a data resource centre in JWS to manage its own training programs and activities.
  • To setup a training institute by JWS to arrange short and medium term trainings of its own and facilitate other MFI’s, NGO’s, CBO’s local, regional and national level.
  • To make JWS a Self Reliant Organization, managing all its operations and expenses with resources through running programs and projects establishing such effective management system, structures and mechanisms.


Goal- 1:
In Community Development process marginal segments involvement must be like Minorities, Women, Children and Farmers, and  organize them into small community groups, enhance their capacity building level through social mobilization and skills training.

Goal- 2:
Involve the deprived segments of society in nation building through their representation in local bodies, provincial and national level.

Through the process of social mobilization, capacity building marginalized groups of society like women, children, farmers and minorities should be facilitated socially and economically.

To establish a data resource and training centre of JWS to facilitate its own programs and build participatory coordination with other developmental institutions at local, regional and national level.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Goal 1 No Poverty, Goal 17 Partnerships for the Goals

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