Khwendo Kor, a Pashto language word meaning “Sisters’ Home” is a non-profit, non-partisan organization registered in 1993 under Societies Act 1860. It is a participatory development initiative, focusing on the active involvement of the communities especially women and children.
KK initiates its activities by involving people after selection of communities to work with and establishes women and men (separate) Community Organizations, which represent targeted communities to execute project interventions and gain sustainability. Regarding this, KK established Village Education Committees supervise school management and ensure education standards in target districts. Women and Child Friendly Spaces are also running and mobilizing women to take action for their wellbeing. KK efforts for peace building and women are encouraged to take ownership of their rights as well as are capacitated to earn a respectable living. KK also sensitizes community and other stakeholders about conflicts impact on women and GBV; provides protection, health awareness and relief to victims of GBV and IDPs.
A compassionate society where women live with dignity and self-reliance.
Strengthening of institutions for inclusion of women and creation of sustainable opportunities through partnership with stakeholders.
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