The Legal Rights Forum is a not-for-profit Forum, to strives for a progressive and inclusive society by strengthening the Rule of Law; Improving Access to Justice and Access to Health; Protecting Human Rights for all focusing Women, Children, Person with Disabilities, Minorities and Transgender Rights; Reforms in Criminal Justice System, Jails, Police, Labour Laws and Women Land Issues; Promoting Democracy, Democratic Institutions, Good Governance, Alternate Dispute Resolution, Public Interest Litigation, Environmental Rights, Labor Rights, Child Rights, Youth Empowerment and Education for All.
LRF is began in 2007 and registered under Society Registration Act 1860 in Sindh, Pakistan. LRF has closely working with Law Justice & Commission of Pakistan, Federal Ministry of Law and Human Rights Sindh Region, Sindh High Courts, District Courts, Bar Councils, District Bar Associations, Law University and Law Colleges, Judicial Academies, National and Provincial Human Rights Commissions, National Commission Status for Women, Law Departments, Prosecution Department, Police Department, Parole & Probation Department, Women Development Departments, Social Welfare Departments, Labour Departments, Landless Peasants Program, Education Department and Reform Support Units.
The LRF has nationwide strength through its fellow lawyer network consisting of 414 legal experts including 60 gender sensitized women lawyers; 27 local development partners organizations; 40 community paralegals experts as gender based violence and minorities rights defenders; 13 development sector professionals; 05 educationists; 3 media experts who are actively working with LRF in more than 50 districts of Pakistan through pro-bono services.
Over the last 10 years, LRF has come to be recognized provincially, nationally and internationally as an effective forum in facilitating and strengthening demand for rule of law, access to justice, promoting human rights, labour rights, informal justice system, public health, women rights to land, early childhood care and education, independent media for tolerant, inclusive, prosperous and sustainable society.