Established in: 1998
Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
Themes & Interventions: Education, Women, Economic Empowerment
What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery
Head Office at Larkana
Street # 2, Khora complex Road, Sachal Colony, Larkana
Phone: 0744752015
Mathini Women Development Organization (MWDO) is a social organization and is working on many social, cultural, Environmental, scientific, Nature resources, Law-enforcement, and Policies issues in Sindh, Pakistan since 1998. However, in developed countries women play an important role and are consider a major potential force in all national building activities, while in our country Pakistan women are lagged behind because there is still hurdle in utilization of women power services. The majority of our population live in villages, Kachi Abadies (Urban slims) where the rays of development have not yet reached.
The large portion of our female population lives in villages and or engaged their in agriculture production activities such as cutting, binding, shears, thrashing and sawing seeds as well as in raring of live stock. Their numerous activities are used as unpaid family workers. This is in all addition to her normal domestic activities of looking , carrying food to fold , feeding children hands cleaning, washing of cloths and child care etc. while in Kachi Abadies (Urban slims) the position is some different from villages. The women folk have only normal domestic activities of looking, carrying food, feeding children, hands cleaning and washing cloths etc.
The Sindhi women are blessed with many gold qualities by nature they are polite, simple and hard worker, despite some of them are victimized with poverty, diseases and gender un-equality. In the view of prevailing situation to reduce their grievances at maximum extend and enlighten their potation qualities for the prosperous future, Ms Farida Abbasi, a renowned educationalist lady of Larkana formed a non-governmental organization with name Mathini Women Welfare Association in 1997. The Association got its registration under voluntarily social welfare (Agencies Registration & Control) ordinance 1961( XLVI of 1961) on 23rd June 1998 with number F.DD/SW (LRK)/VA/285/1998.
In 2007, the general body Meeting of Association, in its annual session held on June 25th 2007 unanimously passed a resolution for change of name of Association from Mathini Women Welfare Association (MWWA) to Mathini Women Development Organization (MWDO). The organization also got its registration from Provincial Assistant Registrar, Joint Stock Companies Larkana, under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860, with registration No. 397/PAR/LRK/of 2007, dated 04-10-2007.