About Organization
  • Established in: 2010

  • Registration Law: Trust Act 1882

  • Themes & Interventions: Disaster

  • What We Do: Awareness Rising

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Islamabad

  • Plot # 51, HoD Building, Col. Amanullah Road Bharakoh, Islamabad

  • Phone: 0512304124

  • Email: masrotrust@gmail.com


Media and Security Research Organization (MASRO), a non-government, non-profit organization, registered with Joint Registrar of Islamabad Capital Territory as a Trust Fund under The Trust Act of 1882 in the year 2010, was established to work for bridge the information gap. Since 2010 interventions have been made in the three thematic areas of:

MASRO, Media And Security Research organization, is a non for profit organization that establish to work for “Bridging the information gap” and Identifying and facilitating social welfare and charitable activities activities for the benefits of the poor and public atlarge. MASRO’s multi-faceted services encompass capacity building , economic and social development of community partners, research and advocacy, serving as a resource centre for dissemination of updated information in relevant areas like Journalism centre of excellence,  income generating opportunities to marginalized segments, Gender Justice, Crises Management, DRR, Rehab and Relief efforts  through updated databases and policy briefs; and holding of workshops, as well as serving as a platform for civic action for positive change through community mobilization and advocacy.

MASRO is registered with the Joint Registrar of Islamabad Capital Territory as a Trust Fund under the Trust Act of 1882 and Reg. No: 643.


A progressive, healthy, active, peaceful, educative and informative Society is the vision of masro where every individual has access to fundamental rights, where every one cares of the rights of others, where justice, law & order, free education, and free health is guaranteed to every individual, regardless of gender, creed, age, social status, religion, and political background/affiliation


MASRO mission is bridging the information gap between the poor and prospective donors, through research, capacity building, advocacy, training, programmes, workshops, seminar, surveys, talk shows, documentaries and dialogues that can change their lives for the better. Its aim is to provide through its research services, the relevant connectivity between the problems of community development and their sustainable solution.


Bridging the information gap

Online Presence