Media House was established in Pakistan with the purpose to build the capacity of the working journalists in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the Tribal Areas in particular, Balochistan and the rest of Pakistan in general. It opened its office in Peshawar in collaboration with Mediothek in 2008 and moved to Islamabad in 2013, which later on registered as an independent organization.
Media House provides a platform to train journalists from Pakistan, especially the KP and the Tribal Areas to help build peace and resolve conflicts through effective and efficient use of media. The Media House workshops and training sessions help the working journalists to enhance their professional skills. These activities offer them opportunities to improve media coverage and play their role in building and strengthening peaceful and democratic society. The trained journalists help in multiplying the impact of these activities by sharing their experiences with other local journalists in their respective press clubs.
Media House has established a strong networking liaison with radio stations, press clubs, media faculties of the universities and other media organizations through Pakistan particularly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA, and Balochistan.
It has been contributing to the professional growth of the working journalists in radio and TV production by arranging trainings for midcareer journalists since 2008. It has been working closely with academics in universities on curriculum projects in the discipline of Journalism and Mass Communication.
The Media House training activities have been supported and continue to get support from Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Mediothek Afghanistan, Heinrich Boell Stiftung (HBS), Deutsche Welle Radio and Television Akademie, and UNESCO during these years. Media House board consists of professionals with experience in local, national, and international media organizations.
At present, Media House is focusing on developing curriculum for universities and building the capacity of journalists in Conflict Reporting and focuses on conflict-sensitive Journalism; physical and digital safety in conflict reporting; psychological risks; ethical standards in crisis reporting; and strengthening of local government system through effective media coverage.