About Organization
  • Established in: 2012
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Health, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Advocacy, Research, Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Thatta
  • MEHRAN Office Near New Memon Restaurant,Memon Goth,Malir – Karachi – Sindh, Pakistan
  • Phone: 03333412356
  • Email: yaseen.bandijo@gmail.com

Mehran Awareness and Development Organization (MADO) is a non-profit civil society organization which emerged as a response to the challenges facing the youths of Karachi, with regards to the fight against poverty and social injustice and other issues. MADO was established in 2009 and received registration under the Social Welfare Act 1961. Later, it was re-register under voluntary Social Welfare agencies act 1961.

MADO is aimed at the socio-political transformation of youths and other citizens and institutions through organizing, educating, engaging and empowering them for a democratic, just and peaceful society. This will be achieved by diversifying the efforts of different stakeholders including youth, civil society organizations, media persons, academia, researchers, lawyers, trade unions, and elected representatives through lobbying and advocacy for policy reforms and implementation. MADO envisions a responsible and equitable society where everyone has access to basic rights, needs and equal opportunity to participate in the democratic and development process.


A responsible and equitable society where everyone has access to basic rights, needs and equal opportunity to participate in the democratic and development process.


Empower youths and other underprivileged citizens through organizing, educating and engaging them in the development process and enhance their capabilities to manage the change.


  • Build capacity of youth and strengthening youth engagement to contribute in increasing tolerance and interfaith harmony.
  • Promote non-violent approaches to counter violent extremism through engaging youths with political and religious leaders and ineffective activism
  • Build the capacity of women to empower them by reducing gender discrimination and economical enhancement programs
  • Take initiatives to bring betterment in the lives of deprived and marginalized citizens through ensuring their participation in the development process
  • Establish, activate, and organize community support mechanisms at the hamlet level to effectively monitor human rights with a focus on Youth Development, Child Rights and Women Rights
  • Ensure quality education and enhance managerial, technical and vocational skills of young boys, girls and other citizens to eradicate extreme poverty through increasing alternate livelihood choices

          Thematic Focus

MADO has following thematic focused areas which help the organization in strategically achieving its vision and mission in accordance with government priorities and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

  • Peace, Inter-Faith and Social Harmony
  • Youth and Empowerment
  • Gender Mainstreaming
  • Human and Institutional Development
  • Technical and Vocational Education
  • Democratic Governance


  • Social and Community Mobilization
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Disaster Risk Mitigation
  • Child Protection

      Core Values

  • MADO respects the rights, culture and dignity of all people and stakeholders it is working with
  • MADO considers all human beings are equal irrespective of gender, caste, creed, beliefs, affiliation or political commitment
  • MADO gives top priority to the interests of the vulnerable groups such as women and children
  • MADO believes in participatory approaches in all its work and intervention.
  • MADO opposes discrimination of all kinds

            Guiding Principles

  • MADO is an open, secular, non-sectarian, democratic institute, not linked with any religious, political or ethnic ideology.
  • MADO is committed to building a responsible and equitable society where everyone has access to basic needs and rights and have an equal opportunity to participate in the democratic and development process
  • MADO respects and ensures the sovereignty of all its stakeholders


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