MIFT Origination is non-Political, profitable, governmental organization Registered under Society Acts 1860 working in district Swat Kpk. Established on 10th October 1998 and registered 12/ April/2004> MIFT Organization provides various programs in catastphes Famine natural disaster such as Earth Quack, Flood etc. MIFT is working in Education to increes literacy rate provides free health services and emergency relief the community free of race, religion and cost, the goal of the NGO is to establish a prosperous, Moderate,Developes and educated Society.
It give me a great pleasure to introduce MIFT which stands for Mutahida Islahi Falahi Tanzeem… means to guide human beings to the right path by equipping them with knowledge and skills.
MIFT as a new and energetic Organization consisting of highly qualified and experience personnel for from various fields that is social, medical, engineering, education etc.
Socio-economics satisfaction, peace and prosperity in the world through human empowerment and development
The serve the society to improve the education, health to develop themselves and to make their own plans of future
To promote and provide formal and informal vocational training and skills education to the masses in general and marginalized segment of the female and poor in particular.
Formation of medical center in rural areal and to provide free cost medical services to deserving patients.
Treatment of Narcoties addicts conduct seminar and workshop for its prevention.
To provide free books and uniforms to deserving students.
To create awareness about the drawback of over population.
To provide the facilities to refuges everywhere.
To make collective efforts against child labour.
Legal assistant for innocent prisoners in jails.
To promotion of education.
To promotion of Health.
Free medical camps for poor patient.
To a large hospital by Ambulance services.
Holding of Seminars for the betterment of Mankind on National and International level
Child Protection