About Organization
  • Established in: 2017

  • Registration Law: Section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984

  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Health

  • What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Mianwali

  • P.O Box # 38 City Center Ballo Khel Road Mianwali 42200

  • Phone: 0459234559

  • Email: info@ncfpak.org


Noble Cause Foundation has been recently established with an objective to provide support to the under-privileged community of Pakistan by exclusively focusing on the three crucial zones i.e. health, education and human rights.  Our vision enlightens us that by providing support in these areas, the under privileged and un-served people are able to launch their lives, leading to sustainable prosperity and affluence. We serve as facilitators to connect the benefactors to the needy in a most transparent way.

Who says a few rupees don’t go far today? When thousands of people give just a few rupees, amazing things happen. Thousands of children in poor communities start receiving medical treatment from doctors and nurses who volunteer their time and skill, a number of people are able to initiate or continue their education and thousands are provided support in human rights crisis situations. We have the volunteers but these volunteers need money for supplies, medicine, and equipment.


Vision is of a noble cause substratum where the most marginalized and stigmatized groups have access to rights predicated and needs predicated accommodations, to empower and rejuvenate them in body, mind and spirit and enable them to live productive and consummating lives.


Noble Cause Foundation is fighting every minute of every day to finish what has been started to achieve a vision of a world without disease, illiteracy and civil liberties


The foundation shall be a non-profit charitable organization and shall be managed without the purpose of financial gain for its members.
The foundation shall set up a fund to provide support to under privileged community to support them to fight against diseases, educational / professional pursuits and to ensure them of the basic human rights while living in a society.
To encourage and enable the children of the community to express and develop their potential for leadership and artistic, athletic, educational and other fields of endeavor, congruent with their religious beliefs and community goals
To interact and cooperate with other similar interested organizations and the larger community for mutual benefit, support and encouragement.
The operation of the foundation is to be chiefly carried out throughout the country, especially the rural and under privileged areas of KPK, Baluchistan, Sindh and Southern Punjab.
The foundation will seek to invest its financial resources in projects for the purpose of propagating its funds

Online Presence