About Organization
  • Established in: 2016
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Environment, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Karachi
  • R-921, Block 2, Azizabad, F.B Area, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
  • Phone: 03152118399
  • Email: ceo.o4e@gmail.com

Open For Everyone Welfare Organization O4E is a nongovernmental organization registered with the Social Welfare Department of Sindh under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Ordinance 1961 having registration number DSW(S)2015. Open for everyone provides a platform to the underprivileged to rewrite their fate. We offer them the opportunities they did not have before. We welcome everyone despite their cast, creed, colour or religion. Our journey started from a trash dump school catering only five pupils back in 2014. Our hard work and community’s positive response made us able to add more students, hire teachers, move to better place, provide more facilities and serve community better. Our current projects include:

1- Street To School (STS)
2- ADINS (Adults in School)
3- Street Deeds
4- WTS (Welcome to School)
5- Rangeen

Online Presence

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