About Organization
  • Established in: 2008
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Health, Economic Empowerment, Disability
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Faisalabad
  • Abdullah Park/Gillani Mohallah, Main Road, Jaranwala, District Faisalabad
  • Phone: 0414319222
  • Email: infopakspecial@gmail.com

PSPWS was established in 2008 as a disability inclusion initiative. We operate in the areas of education and economic empowerment through our dedicated programs, Self-Supported, Vocational and Health Care, Programs and other interventions.


People with Disabilities have equal access to opportunities and are an integral part of society.


At Pak Special Persons Welfare Society we aim to provide healthcare, Vocational Education and social enterprise through sustainable development to disabled of society with a special focus on women, minorities, children and disabled individuals. Our goal is to promote economic development and to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals, families and communities by eliminating barriers to opportunity and helping disabled, reach their fullest potential. PSPWS also works locally to provide immediate humanitarian relief during periods of crisis by delivering medical services, clean water, nutrition and housing to individuals displaced by natural calamities.


Raise awareness about persons with disabilities.
Build the the capacity of institutions and persons with disabilities.
Advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities.
Facilitate access to opportunities and services for persons with disabilities.

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