As the name indicates, the “Preventive Education Health Oriented Foundation” (PEHOF), intends to play the role of strengthening and empowering the communities to perceive and identify their problems & needs and to resolve them through collective action and participation. Being a unique organization, it believes in absolute transparency and functions almost entirely through the exertion of its unpaid volunteers from all over Pakistan, who gave their time, skills, energy and affection to help our family in Pakistan.
PEHOF is a multi-disciplinary non-governmental organization, which was formally established in 2010 and it got registered under the Societies registration act XXI of 1860 on 14 April 2014. The organization envisages the provision of umbrella coverage to civil societies and institutions in response to their socio-economic needs, by drawing freely upon the technologies available nationally and internationally to the local communities. It aims at invigorating and facilitating activities that will provide the capability to achieve development on a sustainable basis ending with improvement in their quality of life.
PEHOF emphasis the principle that providing nonformal basic education and basic healthcare to support communities through collective action has touched upon the lives of several women and children, enabling them to improve their health, education and economic standard.
“To provide basic & quality healthcare, education and social services to the community those are beyond the access of the people residing in remote areas.”
To respect for all segments of society based on justice and tolerance. The organization is committed to professionalism and good governance, transparency and accountability, participation and consensus, and simplicity in all its undertakings. Based on these rules, we have built a cadre of highly motivated functionaries possessing strong personal agenda and imbued with the spirit to excel in facilitating the disadvantaged.
To teach, educate the people about health care, education, and provide them free medical facilities, for the treatment of diseases by setting up free dispensaries, free maternity homes, and free hospitals.
To provide free shelter for orphans, widows and old aged supports fewer persons provide them free amenities of life.
To aware of the public at large about the use of narcotics and their dangerous effects, being injurious to health discourage drug addicts.
To set-up, a free computer study center, information technology and also create awareness about the advantage of modern education.
To guide the parents to get their children educated for their bright future and not to send them to hotels and workshops.
To promote awareness to eliminate environmental pollution and urge people to grow more plants, trees, etc., to ensure neat and healthy climate.
To provide free wheelchairs, artificial parts of the body for special persons.
Thematic Areas
Primary Education
Gender mainstreaming
Poverty Alleviation
Water &Sanitation
Advocacy campaigns
Emergency Relief & Rehabilitation
Human rights