RASTI (Research Advocacy & Social Training Institute) is a national level non government and non profit organization, registered with directorate of social welfare of Pakistan under registered # DSW-1480-K. RASTI is working with children, youth and women through participatory right based approach to execute its projects and program to improve quality of life by providing services in health and hygiene awareness, education and capacity building on development issues, gender equality, ecology and child’s rights.
RASTI envision Happy, Healthy, Educated and Skilled Society
RASTI’s Mission is; Ensuring peoples participation for a society where people live with dignity and respecting each other’s rights.
To provide positive activities to youth and children to share their feelings, thoughts and ideas for their self-confidence and collective development
To promote healthy practices by raising awareness on health and hygiene with specific focus on ARH, STIs and HIV/AIDS
To facilitate capacity development process of CBOs, NGOs, GOs and Educational Institutes of public and private sector
To develop and strengthen linkages among various partners to maximum utilize available resources for problem solving