In 2015, RCDP with the intention of having better focus on a core program of financial inclusion, to create synergies with its financial sector programs, bring in more donors & investors and to have greater access to funds from commercial banks, spin-off its microfinance sector into a separate legal entity by the name of Rural Community Development Program (RCDP). RCDP registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) under section 42 of Companies Ordinance 1984 as a not-for-profit entity. Further RCDP apply for the license of Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) on 02nd June 2016.
Rural Community Development Programmes(RCDP) a Non-Banking Finance Company working for poverty alleviation through provision of Financial Services in 10 districts of Punjab Pakistan. RCDP focus on the socio economic development and uplift of the communities’ especially involving women to make them sustainable through microenterprise development.
History and Background:
The heritages of RCDP lies in the a for-profit organization set up in 1995 in the name of Rural Community Development Society(RCDS) under Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860. RCDS started its operations with aim of provision of integrated development services at grass-root level in Pakistan. It was group of young university graduate of social scientists, philanthropists and professionals from various fields having significant experience of working with NGOs within and outside Pakistan under the leadership of Mr. Muhammad Murtaza who took initiative to establish an institution for welfare and finally started successfully working in district Nankana through registered organization with the name of RCDS.
RCDS started its working with its social sector programs initiated the micro credit program in 1998 on a small scale to develop the economic activities in the communities and with their own participation exclusively focusing women. In April 2001 RCDS develop partnership with PPAF to provide the integrated development services across the Punjab but management gave parallel attention on the institutional development and for its sustainability for the long time. RCDS started its Micro-finance program with the partnership of PPAF and gradually developed operational manual and methodologies and provided financial and non-financial services to the poor community especially in the rural areas. As a partner organization of PPAF RCDS proved potential and skill full partner and used integration approach. RCDP always adopted the required changes for improvement and future demand. During this period RCDS developed partnership with multiple donors like; FAO, UNDP, USAID, ASF, The Asia Foundation, Plan International, Embassy of Japan, Unilever International, Engro foundation and other nationals donors in Pakistan. RCDS has developed its reputation as a multi-faceted rural development organization. It felt the need to extend its services to poor households in urban areas to carry on with its mission to empower the marginalized community especially women. Initially it started social mobilization, on-formal schools and extended its microfinance services to engage slum dwellers in informal income-generating activities.
RCDS has implemented integrated programmes for social mobilization, health with quality services for antenatal and postnatal care, safe deliveries in basic health centers, livelihood employment & enterprise development, livelihood enhancement & protection, community physical infrastructure, farmer enterprises development programme, agribusiness project, emergency response and early recovery projects in flood affected areas, youth development programme, vocational skills development, non-formal education programme, widow strengthening programme and entrepreneur development programme.
Socio-economic empowerment of society where all citizens avail their potential for the social benefits on equal basis.
Struggle for a just and democratic society, through making marginalized communities socio-economically empowered.
RCDS core objective is to empower vulnerable communities to such an extent, that they are empowered and take control of their own development and take informed decisions for their communities' welfare.