About Organization
  • Established in: 2008
  • Registration Law: Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations (Registration & Control) Ordinance 1961
  • Themes & Interventions: Education, Disaster, Health, Women, Children, Economic Empowerment
  • What We Do: Service Delivery
Contact Details
  • Head Office at Abbottabad
  • MOhalla Qayum Abad, Village and Post Office Dalola, Tehsil and District Abbottabad.
  • Phone: 03319109040
  • Email: rdoabbottabad@gmail.com

RDO was formed as CBO in village Dalola under the initiative of ERNP Project executed by IUCN-Pakistan in 1999. Environmental Rehabilitation in NWFP and Punjab (ERNP) was a seven year project funded by EC and executed by IUCN and NWFP government. RDO has worked on agriculture, livestock, CPIs, forestry and credit programs in partnership with ERNP.


In 2003, as part of exit strategy, IUCN supported RDO to strengthen its organizational base and extend area of operation to union council level in order to take forward the work of ERNP Project. RDO not only continued to build on the work of ERNP Project but also developed linkages with other NGOs.

During the worst Earth quake of 2005 and after that RDOs activist sat together and stress to become an active part for the rehabilitation work as per observing the irregular of the NGO in the Earth Quake hitted areas. As per intensive need of the local community it is seriously observed that there will be a local organization which has deep roots in the community and well aware about norms and customs of the commu7nity. It also knows the needs and demand of the community without arrange huge survey being it belongs to the effected community.

It has worked on range of development initiatives in partnership with Sungi Foundation, SRSP, and Caritas, Omar Asghar Khan Foundation on NRM, physical infrastructure, watsan, emergency relief, rights, education, health and disability. After the devastating earthquake 2005, RDO provided a strong local base to national and international humanitarian organization for relief, recovery and rehabilitation. RDO was registered as an NGO under Social Welfare Act 1961 in year 2008 under (Registration and Control) Ordinance 19619XLVI OF 1961).


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