Rural Development Organization (RDO) is a nongovernmental organization registered under voluntary social welfare Act 1961 (Reg.No. DSWNWFP2627). The organization since its establishment in 1993, work for the “Establishment of prosperous society based in the principles of social justice equity & equality”. This aim is achieved with the close collaboration of partner communities and development organizations through a participatory, demand responsive, gender and poverty sensitive integrated development approach in KPK. RDO interventions mainly focus on achievements in domains/program areas including, human & institutional development, education, primary/reproductive HRs and advocacy, women empowerment, environmental sensation and relief for IDPs CBI.
Establishment of prosperous society based on the principles of social justice equity & equality.
Research and advocacy, services delivery & human resource and institutional development for sustainable development.
Human & Institutional Development
To improve social economic status of the people
To ensure transparency to social services by services users
Women empowerment
To improve education status through increase enrolment
Non formal education.
To protect & rehabilitate the environment for sustainable development.