Established in: 2003
Registration Law: Trust Act 1882
Themes & Interventions: Economic Empowerment
What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery
Head Office at Islamabad
House 335, Street 123, Sector G 9/3 Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: 0512856623
Rural Development Policy Institute (RDPI) is a civil initiative aimed to stimulate public dialogue on policies, inform public action, and activate social regrouping to celebrate capacities and address vulnerabilities of resource?poor rural communities in Pakistan. RDPI undertakes research, planning, advocacy and demonstration of pilot projects in the key thematic areas of disaster risk management, environment, adaptation to climate change, sustainable livelihoods, appropriate technologies, local governance, community media and basic education.
RDPI was established under Trust Act 1882 in Islamabad on 7th February 2003. A group of lawyers, researchers, journalists and development professionals hailing from rural areas of Punjab created a community of friends based in Islamabad. They decided to develop an institution dedicated to work in and with rural communities of Punjab and other provinces of Pakistan. The core objective of establishing such an organisation was to provide an interface between academia, policy makers and media to discuss, debate, research, advise, advocate and demonstrate in field the models of participatory and inclusive rural development which should enhance social, political and economic spaces for the marginalised communities with focus on riverine areas.
Since 2003, RDPI has undertaken about 62 projects amounting Pak Rs 350 million; and has worked in 18 districts, 250 villages/communities in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Gilgit?Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Currently, RDPI is implementing a major project in 132 communities, 73 villages, two union councils of districts Muzaffargarh and Rajanpur of Southern Punjab. The current project is supported by WHH.
Locally defined, people?led and appropriate rural development
Striving for the socially just and culturally vibrant rural societies in Pakistan
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