Introduction of REEDS-Pk: ‘’Solidarity Building towards Sustainable Rural Development’’
Rural Education and Economic Development Society (REED Society) is a non-profitable, non-government and humanitarian organization and working for the integral development of the rural marginalized communities without any discrimination of race, creed, and religion in district Rahim Yar Khan. REED-Society appear as a result of in-depth reflection and after having significant review by its likeminded group of men and women concerned for the integral development of the rural society, in response to unsatisfactory development and efforts made for socio-economic development of the marginalized and weaker section of the society
We believe in a golden rule
‘’Go to the people, live with them
Love them, learn from them
Work with them, with what they have
Build on what they know
And in the end
When work is done
The people will rejoice
We have done it ourselves’’
REEDS have very strong linkages with Government department especially with Health, Education, Agriculture and livestock. REEDS is focal organization for District Rahim Yar Khan, CRS Gender Network, Eco-Ethics International Union Germany, Co-Chair for Protection Working Group for District RYK, Co-Chair for WASH Working Group for District Rahim Yar Khan, Active member of Health Working Group, Leading Organization for RYK Peace Network-CSC-Rawalpindi, Peace and Collaborative Network-International, Better Cotton Initiative-Netherlands-REED is District focal organization of National Humanitarian Network (NHN ) member of Provisional Executive Council-NHN.
Integrated human development through change in attitude with promotion of worship, honesty and harmony
Motivate people for self-confidence for their integral development so that they can move towards a prosperous, free, equal and civilized life.
Food security and the improvement of living standard of the rural community.
Provision of education among school drop-outs/youth through functional literacy and skill development programs
To promote and protect human rights, especially rights of minorities, women and children.
Promotion of peace and inter-faith harmony at grassroots level involving youth, religious leaders, women and religious minorities
To provide preventive, reproductive and curative health care services to the people, especially women and children of marginalized communities.
To make proficient, transparent, convincing and responsible governing structures and processes where women are enthusiastically participating in local decision and policy-making
Strengthening of society and the effective participation and integration with other organization and institutions that intervene and determine the processes of sustainable development.