About Organization
  • Established in: 2003

  • Registration Law: Society Registration Act 1860

  • Themes & Interventions: Women, Economic Empowerment

  • What We Do: Awareness Rising, Service Delivery

Contact Details
  • Head Office at Naushahro Firoze

  • Hospital Road, Kandiaro, District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh

  • Phone: 03060543231

  • Email: saathkd2004@yahoo.com


SAATH Development Society is a non-profit organization, established in    February 2003 and registered under Societies Registration Act Pakistan: XXI of 1860. It bears registration number SK 1748 of 2012- 2013. The literary meaning of word SAATH is ‘together’. It connotes strong and humble care for human values. It started its operations from a small village of district Naushehro Feroz, Sind, but it envisions itself as a grass root organization, gradually emerging with its operational capacities on national scale, on sustainable basis.

SAATH Development Society was formed with a noble cause of standing at odd times with the marginalized and underprivileged class of society that is either unaware of their basic rights of living an honorable life or, persistently, struggling to contribute towards development of political, economic and social system of the country. SAATH Development Society not only forms structures at grass root level but it also leads them. It believes in tapping local human and material resources. With their support, it works for human rights, gender equity, community development, economic development and political development in the region.

Since its inception, SAATH Development Society team has made concerted efforts towards economic empowerment of women, girls’ education and child rights. It provides technical and financial support to the women through different products of micro-credit for enterprise development, livestock, agriculture and farming. It supports new entrepreneurs through identifying and creating backward and forward linkages. It also provides legal aid to those women who are victims of gender discrimination.

SAATH  has activating in the field of community development, charity activities, welfare, capacity building and Advocacy process for the favor of the vulnerable communities especially for women and children. SAATH has a pole of professional and committed Executive body reinforcing by the dedicated support of General Body.

SAATH DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY (SAATH) main thrust is upon building human capacities to improve livelihood conditions. This will be done by providing services of microfinance as an alternate option of livelihood, skill development of deprived communities in terms of training and input support, Sustainable development through applying diverse approach.

SAATH believe on the sustainable development can be possible by uplifting the deprived communities through providing them opportunities becoming gathered  on one platform and identified and address their core issues.SAATH will involve the local communities in this process by a well designed Social Mobilization Process.